Home Garden

Problems With Home Security Cameras

Home security systems are an important component of home security and often your first line of protection against burglaries. According to Safe Guard, 2,000,000 home burglaries are reported each year in the United States and homes without security systems are 300 percent more likely to be broken into. The property theft risks have led many families to install home security systems such as cameras as a safeguard and deterrent. Despite the safeguard they provide, security camera systems have a number of flaws.
  1. Cost

    • One of the biggest problems with home security cameras is the initial cost associated with purchasing the equipment. Most first-time buyers will have to buy at least one camera unit, a video recording device and the components and wiring needed to hook it up to a television. High quality security camera systems are needed to ensure that the video resolution is clear during playback. You will also need to pay a professional to properly install all the system's components. According to Safe Guard, a high-quality security camera system can cost thousands of dollars.

    Specific Lighting Conditions

    • Security cameras are dependent on adequate lighting and are often ineffective in dark lighting conditions. They also have trouble recording clear video when there are two different light sources, such as a bright light source from a window entering a dark room. For a home security camera to be effective, the lighting in the room where the camera is situated must be bright and controlled. This is problematic for homeowners that shut off lights when leaving the house.

    Limited Surveillance Capacity

    • Cameras are static and reliant on proper positioning to record a crime being committed in or around your house. A burglar can completely avoid being recorded by your surveillance system if they know the locations of your cameras. Surveillance camera equipment relies on criminals that are unaware of its presence. A home intruder that decides to wear a disguise will pose serious problems for homeowners when identifying a suspect through captured video.

    No Real-Time Protection

    • Unlike home alarm systems, which are preemptive, security cameras are a reactive response to crime. They only record crimes being committed and rarely prevent them from occurring. Unless you or a hired professional is monitoring the cameras all the time, you are unlikely to catch a burglary in the act. A traditional home alarm system is more effective for stopping a burglar in the act and alerting the police.