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How to Find Out If Somebody's Spying on You

A spy is a person who gains information about another person for ulterior motives. A spy may be hired by the government, an insurance company or your significant other. Combating a spy once you know they are spying is necessary for maintaining your personal security. Installing counter-spy devices, the hiring of a private investigator and increasing your online security protection are great steps towards seeing if someone is spying on you and protecting yourself once that information is known.

Things You'll Need

  • RF signal detector
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      Hire a private investigator. The private investigator will work to identify a possible spy and conduct counter spy operations. Knowing who your spy is can aid in determining why you have a spy.

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      Increase your personal security protection online. Adjust all of your social networking settings to limit who has access to your information. If you update social networking sites about what you do and where you are at any specific point in time, a spy can access that information and move to that location. If you think a spy is monitoring you through the internet, post an address online and the time you will be there. Monitor that address from a distance during the posted time. If you see anyone else monitoring that address at that time, they may be spying on you.

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      Monitor people who come into your home or place of business. If you hire someone to fix something for example, never leave him out of your sight. If you see him place a foreign object anywhere in your home or place of business, he may have placed a monitoring device in that space.

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      Acquire an RF signal detector. The RF signal detector detects radio frequencies within an area. If you are alerted to a possible RF signal being transmitted from your home or place of business to an outside source, you may have had a surveillance device placed in that space by a spy.