Home Garden

How to Have a Bonfire at Home

Bonfires add an element of magic to backyard events, such as Fourth of July parties, and help to keep guests warm as you make the most of those last summer nights. You can also build a bonfire to serve practical uses, such as burning waste from the garden. If you are planning on having a bonfire at home, consider your neighbors and be as safe as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Logs
  • Kindling and tinder (dry sticks and leaves, paper, bark, string, shaved wood)
  • Bucket
  • Bricks
  • Matches
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    • 1

      Inform your neighbors of your plans for hosting a bonfire at your home. Include the date and time you will be having the bonfire; it is best to plan it for a time when the smoke and heat from the bonfire is unlikely to impact individuals who live near you.

    • 2

      Choose a location in your backyard to build the bonfire. Bonfires should be situated far away from buildings, trees, telephone wires, fences, sheds and the like.

    • 3

      Use a shovel to dig a shallow pit several feet larger than you want the bonfire to be. Line the outside of the pit with bricks to prevent the fire from spreading.

    • 4

      Place a pile of tinder, such as twigs and dry leaves, in the center of the bonfire pit. Surround the tinder with a "teepee" of kindling; stand a number of dry sticks up to form a triangle around the tinder. Gaps in the teepee are fine, as this lets oxygen through.

    • 5

      Place dry, medium-sized sticks around the kindling to form a square. Using these sticks as a base, build a structure around the kindling by adding sticks on top until the square is five layers high.

    • 6

      Lay a log on top of the four sides of the structure you built in Step 5. Fill the logs and sticks in with more kindling.

    • 7

      Light a match and drop it into the center of the tinder you laid out in Step 4. Add more wood as the bonfire burns.

    • 8

      Store a bucket of water close to the bonfire in case of emergency.

    • 9

      Put the bonfire out by pouring water on top of it and adding a layer of dirt.