Home Garden

How to Safely Hide Your Spare Keys

If you have ever found yourself locked out of your home, you likely know how beneficial hiding a spare key can be. While a hidden key can prove to be convenient, keep your home safe by exercising care when choosing the ideal hiding spot. Ensure that your hidden key serves as a useful tool for you, not a way for a burglar to gain easy entry into your home.


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      Use a combination-lock holder. When realtors list a home on the market, they commonly place keys in a combination lock box that hangs from the doorknob. Follow suit by installing a combination lock box near your door. Screw the box into the frame of your home, ensuring that a thief can't simply pick it up and throw it to get the key out.

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      Find a key-hiding location that is not in sight of the road. While hiding a key near the front door may seem convenient, it is also dangerous. By selecting a space that no one in the front of your home can see, you reduce the likelihood that a burglar watches you remove your key from its hiding place.

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      Hide 10 to 15 random keys around the property instead of only hiding the key that will get you into the house. A burglar will be unlikely to hunt for and try a plethora of keys when trying to gain access to your home.

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      Ask a trusted neighbor if you can hide your key near her door instead of placing it in a pot or under a mat at your home. This uncommon key placement will likely trip up any burglar. If he finds the hidden key at your neighbor's home, he will likely assume it opens her door, not yours.