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Animal Proof Garbage Storage

Storing garbage in animal-proof containers is key to a peaceful coexistence with wildlife. Animals which have been exposed to the taste of human food are more likely to return and attempt to continue accessing the garbage, according to non-profit organization Get Bear Smart Society. Developing safe and secure methods for disposing of garbage will prevent unwanted interactions with wildlife and disruption to animal communities.
  1. Alternative storage

    • Whenever possible, seek alternatives to storing garbage outdoors. Though keeping garbage inside the home can be highly inconvenient, seek other solutions which keep waste under lock and key. Use garages, barns and storage sheds to separate garbage from both wildlife and human living quarters. Whenever possible, minimize or eliminate the time that garbage containers sit waiting for weekly pickup. If local waste-management providers are unable to accommodate wildlife-proof containers, consider taking the garbage directly to waste-management stations.


    • Minimizing odors associated with garbage and other human activities can significantly decrease the risk of attracting wildlife. Frequently maintaining gardening and composting projects can significantly diminish the chances of attracting wildlife, according to research organization Wind River Bear Institute. Ensure that all garbage is housed in odor-proof bags, with two bags used for particularly strong-smelling waste. Always avoid leaving food from picnics and entertaining out overnight. Keep food for domesticated animals in odor-proof containers.

    Metal containers

    • When garbage must be stored outdoors, invest in a sturdy, metal container that seals to protect the contents from large wildlife. Many lightweight plastic containers can be easily broken or tipped by large animals. Seek waste-storage solutions which cannot be opened by paws, including screw-on or locking options. Ensure the lid cannot be removed when the container is tipped, or design a sturdy base for the container that will prevent wildlife from moving it until it opens.


    • Temporary storage for waste is an important consideration during camping trips, particularly when staying in wildlife reserves. Many campgrounds offer animal-proof waste containers. Always check facility policies on waste disposal. Keeping garbage overnight in a locked motor vehicle is among the most reliable means of storage, though this can create unappealing odors. Depending on the rules of the campground, biodegradable and organic waste can possibly be buried. Contact campground management if wildlife, particularly bears, gain access to garbage.