Home Garden

How to Live in a Place That Has Been Burglarized

Coming home to a place that has been burglarized robs you of a sense of safety and security, as well as your belongings. Although your first instinct might be to move immediately, you may be required to remain in the dwelling due to financial obligations such as a mortgage or lease. In the aftermath, take steps to protect your home and your loved ones from a future home invasion.


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      Have a friend or relative stay with you for awhile, if you're afraid to be alone. There's no need to get a roommate if you live by yourself, but having someone around to talk to for a couple of days (or a week) after your burglary will help calm your nerves.

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      Check your home for security strengths and weaknesses and make improvements. Secure the locks on your windows and doors and install new ones, if necessary. If you own your home, install deadbolt locks on your front and back doors; if you rent, ask your landlord to increase security in your building. Keep the shrubs and foliage around your home short and trimmed to eliminate potential hiding places for would-be robbers. Get an alarm system. If you cannot afford an alarm system, obtain a convincing sign that states your property is protected by an alarm system. Put timers on your lights so it appears you're home even when you're not. Install motion-detection lights at the front, back and sides of your home.

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      Get a guard dog or obtain a recording of a barking dog that can be triggered by a motion sensor. Post a "Beware of Dog" sign on your property.

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      Take steps toward being able to defend yourself in case your home is invaded again. Take self-defense classes or purchase a weapon, if you feel that is necessary.

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      Give the impression that you live with someone, even if you don't. Put a "We're not home" message on your answering machine.

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      Keep a cellular phone in your apartment charged and near you at all times to ensure you can call for help, even if your phone lines are cut.