Home Garden

How to Change an Outside Electric Meter

As an electric meter ages, it may give inaccurate readings or stop working. If this happens, you'll need to have it replaced. However, this is a job for a qualified electrician or a repair person from your electric company. It's dangerous to tamper with electric meters, and it's also against the law. Many utility companies retain ownership of electric meters and allow only licensed professionals to work on them.


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      Document any problems with your electric meter. If there is visible damage or wear, take a photograph. Otherwise, write down the problem. This will create a record of the problem and help you answer any questions the electric company may have.

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      Contact the utility company by calling the customer help number on your monthly bill or visiting the company's website. Find out who's responsible for repairing or replacing electric meters. If your utility is responsible, schedule an appointment with the service department. If you're responsible, make an appointment with a qualified electrician.

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      Schedule the meter replacement for a day when you will be at home and can go without power for an hour or longer. If you have appliances that must remain on, such as medical devices or a sump pump, you may need to install a battery backup system or an external generator.

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      Give the repair person safe and easy access to your electric meter by clearing away debris, pruning bushes and moving stored items before the appointment.

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      Turn off and unplug computers, DVD players and other electronic devices before the work begins. Unlock your circuit breaker box in case the repair person needs access to it. If you have pets, keep them inside while the work is under way.