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Does Sulfur Deter Snakes?

Does sulfur deter snakes? The short answer is "No." There is no evidence that sulfur-based snake repellents work. The myth in the efficacy of sulfur as a snake deterrent, however, is incredibly persistent. Sulfur, by itself or in combination with other substances, is commonly sold in hardware stores as a snake repellent.
  1. Popular Belief

    • The root of the belief in the efficacy of sulfur as a snake repellent is two-fold. First, sulfur is a substance that is actually used in pest control. Second, most people have such an irrational fear of snakes that they want to believe that there is an easy way to repel snakes with a commonly used material. Sulfur is not the only such material. People also often recommend the use of mothballs which are just as ineffective.

    Scientific Study

    • A scientific study, performed at the University of Nebraska on the plains garter snake — often found in man-made habitats — has conclusively shown that neither sulfur nor naphthalene work as a snake deterrent. Other investigators have found similar results in studies performed on the black rat snake with sulfur and other chemicals. No chemical has been found to be effective in keeping snakes away. In fact, there is the possibility that applying chemicals may teach newborn snakes to associate these odors with the availability of food and actually end up attracting them to an area.

    What Does Sulfur Repel?

    • Sulfur is used as a fungicide to prevent rotting and mildew in fruits, vegetables and flowers. It is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use in the U.S. as an insecticide and rodenticide as well. It can be used in powder or liquid form and is an active ingredient in hundreds of pesticides. It is not very toxic to humans but it can cause irritation to the eyes and skin.

    How to Deter Snakes

    • The best way to deter snakes is to make sure you are not providing a good habitat for them around your house or yard. Any lumber stored near a house, too much plant growth or cracks and holes can provide a snake with a home. Cut off food supply for snakes by controlling small animals such as rats. A fence that touches the ground or is buried a few inches under the ground can also work to keep snakes out of your property.