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How to Get Your Condo Board to Answer Questions

Condo associations are formed to be an ally for condominium owners. The condos’ board of directors are elected by unit owners and are responsible for allocating condo fees According to Lending Tree, the duties of the association include maintaining and repairing the condos’ common areas, assisting with disputes among owners and enforcing rules and regulations. Owners have the right to have an open relationship with their association and can go to them with questions about any condo-related issues.


  1. Help from Your Condo Association.

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      Go to your condo association meetings.This is the best way for an owner to communicate with their condo association. Meetings are open to all owners and are held quarterly but the frequency can vary by association. The purpose of the condo meeting is for owners to ask questions and for board directors to give updates on any new projects or changes. All questions relating to issues, such as condo fees or upkeep of property grounds, should be addressed at this meeting.

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      Call the office or write a letter to contact your condo association. If your problem is urgent or private, such as a disorderly neighbor or an insect problem, owners can write the condo association a letter or call the board secretary to leave a message for a timely response. Contact information can be found in you condo handbook. This booklet should also outline your emergency contacts.

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      Seek legal assistance if your condo association does not assist you. When an owner thinks they are not properly being assisted by their condo association, they can reach out to a lawyer for legal advice. A lawyer will make sure that associations are being fair and can be the voice for condo owners who need help.