Home Garden

Mushroom Fan-Drying Technique

Drying mushrooms in your home is a good way to preserve them for future use. Whether you grow your own or purchase them at the supermarket, mushrooms are highly perishable and, when fresh, do not keep for very long. Fan-drying is one method that does not require any special equipment or too much babysitting.
  1. Location

    • Set up your drying area in a room that has good air circulation and low humidity. While the fan compensates for some humidity in the air, do not attempt to dry mushrooms in a bathroom or in a window on a rainy day. The room should be free of animals and insects, and restricted from use by small children, as they may be tempted to handle or eat the mushrooms.


    • The mushrooms should be spread in a single layer without being crowded against one another too tightly. Spread them on a clean tablecloth, clean brown paper, wax paper or parchment. Set the fan close to them on the same level, aimed so the air blows on the mushrooms. Use any type of fan, from a box fan to an oscillating fan set to stationary. Something as small as the fan in your desktop computer is adequate to dry small amounts of mushrooms.


    • Depending on the humidity in your area of the country or in your home, time of year, time of day, etc., mushroom drying times vary greatly, usually taking a few days. Watch for signs of rot or mold, as this can indicate that drying time is too slow, though the fan method usually eliminates this problem. Dry mushrooms until they snap like a cracker when you bend them. Any leatheriness or pliability indicates there is still moisture present. When using the fan technique, mushrooms often need to be finished off using a desiccant or by placing them in a 150-degree oven until they are hard.


    • When completely dry, store mushrooms in an airtight container for long-term storage. To further extend their use, consider placing a desiccant pack, such as you find in many store-bought clothing or electronic items, in the container with the mushrooms. Be sure the silica gel is completely encased in the packet and there are no little holes that might allow the desiccant to come into contact with the mushrooms.