Home Garden

How to Kill Roaches in a House Drain pipe

Cockroaches, known also as water bugs, are common in hot, humid areas, and can damage fabrics, destroy food and spread germs and disease. Household drain pipes, whether they are connected to sinks, washers, showers or bathtubs, have U-shaped P-traps which hold water in their bends to stop gases from the sewer reaching the home's bathrooms. Pouring household bleach down each drain into the traps helps kill roaches and stops them crawling up through the drain covers. A mixture of boric acid and sugar dehydrates and also kills the roaches.

Things You'll Need

  • Household bleach
  • Silicone caulk
  • Boric acid
  • Sugar
  • Flour
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      Pour 1/2 pint of household bleach down each drain hole in the home each day, for it to settle into the P-trap's bends.

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      Look for any cracks or holes in the home's sewer pipes. If any are found, seal them with silicone caulk. Also seal any spaces around sewer or water supply pipes where they enter through walls with expanding insulation foam.

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      Mix together equal parts of powder form boric acid and sugar or flour. Sprinkle the mixture around baseboards and in sink cabinets or place the mixture in jar lids and place the lids in the cupboards. Change the mixture every two weeks.