Home Garden

How to Kill Mosquito Larva in an Untreated Pool

Mosquitoes are particularly persistent pests in homes and other areas where they take up residence. One of the reasons that a mosquito population is so difficult to control is that homeowners sometimes only control adult mosquitoes without controlling mosquito larvae, making long-term, mosquito population control impossible. If you find mosquito larvae in a swimming pool that is not treated with chlorine, you can remove the larva and ensure effective control in a few basic steps.


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      Purchase a mosquito larvacide. Most larvacides sold to consumers contain either methoprene or a toxin produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) as their active ingredients. Since chlorinated pools do not support mosquito larvae, most larvacides are safe for use in nonchlorinated residential swimming pools. Check the product's labeling to make sure that it can be safely applied to untreated pools.

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      Apply the larvacide to the pool water according to the manufacturer's directions. As is the case with all pesticides, larvacides are effective only insofar as they are properly applied.

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      Monitor the pool water checking if the larvacide is effective. Check the product's labeling to see how long it takes the larvacide to kill off mosquito larvae. Check the pool water periodically for larval presence. Avoiding shining a light on the water since mosquito larvae dive in response to light changes. Run a dipper through the water removing any dead larvae from the water before allowing anyone to swim in it.