Home Garden

How to Clear a Frozen Driveway

For those who live in the northern half of the United States, an icy driveway is a usual part of winter. Keeping your driveway ice-free is essential since it is slippery and can cause a serious injury. Snow can be easily removed with a shovel and some man power, but ice cannot be shoveled up. Luckily, it is not impossible to remove this frozen layer from your driveway, allowing you to keep your walkways clear and safe during the winter.


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      Preempt ice from forming on your driveway. Clear your driveway with a shovel as soon as the snow or sleet stops, preventing it from forming a layer of ice.

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      Use a de-icing product on your driveway. The cheapest option is rock salt, but it is effective only to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Use calcium chloride pellets or magnesium chloride if the weather is colder than 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Wait for the de-icing product to work. It will turn the ice into slush. Remove the slush with a shovel to prevent re-freezing.

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      Spread sand over the driveway when it is covered with ice. It will help with traction and prevents slips while you are de-icing.

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      Purchase an electric driveway. Though expensive, a driveway that has electric wires built in that radiate heat is more environmentally sound than using salt de-icers, which can harm plants.