Home Garden

An Earthquake Craft

Combine the fun and skill of crafting with the necessity of safety and personal survival. Putting together a "go-bag" earthquake kit can save your life in an emergency. Your use of an earthquake bag needn't just be in the event of an earthquake. Hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards and all manner of natural and man-made disasters require items on-hand in an emergency or evacuation. Make an on-the-go earthquake kit for your home, car, school or workplace. Craft and personalize this earthquake or emergency bag for a loved one as a gift that gives true peace of mind.

Things You'll Need

  • Backpack, travel bag or container
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  1. Identification and Communcation

    • 1
      Select a sturdy waterproof backpack or carry bag.

      Have your mobile phone with you and family numbers on-hand. List all your emergency contact phone numbers on paper as well, should you be separated from your phone or it becomes nonfunctional. Electrical outages affect ATM machines in disaster areas. Fashion an inner pouch or pocket for an emergency supply of cash and coins, and an inner area for filing. Carry your personal and identity paperwork in this secure file, including your passport, driver's license, insurance and important papers.

    • 2
      Include a flashlight with replacement batteries.

      Electricity in your area may not be functional for days. Provide a flashlight and radio that operate on battery power. Include an additional battery supply in your pack for all items that run on battery power. Purchase flashlights, radios or battery chargers that run on solar or hand crank power, if you wish.

    • 3
      Daily prescription medication must be included.

      Keep a small supply of water and non-perishable food in your pack. You need your daily prescription and over-the-counter medications, eye glasses, hearing aids (with batteries), and any other vital medical or personal hygiene items. Buy a small first aid kit for minor medical needs. Your first aid kit can be homemade, if you desire. Check often all expiration dates on medication, food and first aid items. Compile and carry a list of allergies or surgically implanted devices like pacemakers.

    • 4
      Buy a dust mask, just in case.

      Wearing appropriate clothing after a disaster or during an evacuation is a must. Pack a pair of thick-soled shoes or sneakers to change into if necessary. Include a change of clothes and a hat for head coverage. Pack a whistle, tape, paper and pen, pocket knife or scissors. Just in case air quality deteriorates, include a dust mask for face areas. Personalize your earthquake or emergency go-bag as needed, for the seasons or your geographic area.