Home Garden

Good Hiding Places for a Spare Key

It is a good idea to keep a spare house key or car key hidden near home in case you lock yourself out or have an emergency that requires a friend to enter your house. But many of the common places to hide a spare key are also the first places a burglar will look -- in flower pots, under doormats and on door frame ledges. A professional thief will also quickly spot a store-bought key hider. Get creative and think through your spare key hiding spot.
  1. On You

    • Tuck your unlabeled key in your wallet, purse, the glove compartment of your car or even in the lining of a sturdy shoe. Anyone wanting to break into your home while you’re not around won’t have access to your key, and you’ll have it right away if you get locked out. Just make sure that your address can’t be found anywhere near the key in the case that your purse gets stolen.

    With Someone Else

    • Consider asking a close neighbor or friend to hold onto a spare key for you. You’ll not only be able to obtain the key quickly if you get locked out, but you’ll also have someone to call on if you’re out of town and need someone to enter your house to check on something. Offer to keep a spare key on hand for a neighbor you trust in return, and make sure your key is always unlabeled in case it is stolen. You can protect yourself even further by providing a neighbor with a key in a small combination safe intended for this purpose. As always, change your locks regularly.

    On Your Property

    • Go for uncommon hiding places that keep the key not only out of sight, but also that allow for easy access. Consider the nooks and crannies of your architecture and landscaping. Build your own hiding place in a tree or place your own fake object that doesn’t look suspicious such as an old pair of shoes or a toy. Avoid typical hiding places like your mailbox, and change the location of your key from time to time.

    On A Neighbor’s Property

    • Ask any acquaintance within a short walking distance from your house to hide your unlabeled spare key on their property. Anyone with bad intentions who finds it won’t be able to use it, and you won’t have to depend on your neighbors being home if you need to get to it quickly. Avoiding common hiding places is still good, but not as essential. You don’t even have to tell the neighbor where you hide the key if you don’t need to count on him to use it. It is always a good idea to tell a close friend or family member where you hid the key just in case it needs to be accessed in the event of an emergency.