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Mezzanine Floor Safety

In a work setting, mezzanines are essential for storage and space saving, and in other building situations, they improve aesthetic. These areas are partial floors within two other floors, and are similar to balconies on the inside of a structure. They vary in height, and safety on the mezzanine is essential to preventing falls and other injuries.
  1. Types

    • Mezzanines in place for aesthetic reasons usually have a railing to prevent falls; however, those used in the workplace, particularly the factory setting, are sometimes left open, as workers have to load and unload pallets and other items.


    • To keep a mezzanine area safe and prevent workplace falls, supervisors have to find a product that will not interfere with production and will keep all workers safe. The Health and Safety Executive looked at a case study that included harnessing the individual doing the loading and unloading; however, this only protected one person, and if someone else came to help, he would not be protected. In addition, the wires holding the harness in place were cumbersome and dangerous as well. Employers can install systems that require employees to put a barrier up when they are done, but Health and Safety Executive found that not all employees remembered to put up the barrier every time their work was finished.

    Gates and Nets

    • Gates and nets are popular ways to provide a barrier for the mezzanine level. Several manufacturers make products specifically tailored for the factory setting and work well with pallets and forklifts. Search for a model with a sensor that automatically shuts on its own, so that the employees’ safety is not determined by whether someone remembers to set the gate or net.

    Safety Railings

    • The Department of Labor has specific guidelines for safety railings around mezzanines and requires them in a workplace setting. Additionally, local building codes could have further specifications. The Department of Labor reports that mezzanine railings must be 42 inches, plus or minus 3 inches. Some situations, though, could require higher railings. In addition, guardrails should withstand 200 lbs. at their highest point. Midrails or screens can go above guardrails and offer even more protection. They should be able to hold 150 lbs.


    • Placing stairs to the mezzanine area in an accessible location will prevent employees and guests from jumping or climbing onto the mezzanine. Enforce a policy that requires all employees to use the stairs instead of climbing.