Home Garden

How to Implement a High Security Shelter in the Home

Securing the safety of yourself and your family is an important consideration in the modern world. Changing an inner room to a high security shelter can protect you in case of extreme emergency, whether it's from environmental situations or social disturbance. Also called safe rooms, a high security shelter takes some effort to create but can be invaluable if the need arises. An interior room such as a walk-in closet or small room can be converted to a high security shelter with preparation and proper planning.

Things You'll Need

  • Reinforced security bars
  • Steel wall panels (optional)
  • Dead bolt locks
  • Emergency lights
  • Sanitation supplies
  • Water and emergency food
  • Cot and extra bedding
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      Select an interior room in your home with no windows or exterior entry.

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      Install reinforced steel security bars on the inside of the door. Use the manufacturer's instructions for installation, but ensure they are secured to the studs in the walls when installed.

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      Fit pre-fabricated steel wall panels to the room, if your budget allows. The room must be measured and the steel panels made to order.

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      Add key-only entry dead bolt locks to the door. Key only means the locks do not manually open but a key must be used for entry and exit. One is generally sufficient, but for a high security room, a double lock system is recommended.

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      Place an emergency, battery-powered light system in the room. Have a secondary supply of batteries available for the lights.

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      Provide sanitation supplies such as a portable, bucket-type elimination system for bodily fluids, and cleaning supplies. Add in emergency food and water, in case the shelter will be used for an extended period of time. A three-day supply is sufficient, as this type of shelter is not meant to be used long term.