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Loft Banister Safety

Banisters might be pleasing to the eye, but they can also be a major danger to babies and young children. If you have a loft in your home, it's important that you take precautions to baby-proof your loft's banister to ensure that your child or pet can't get through the bars.
  1. Banister Basics

    • A loft banister -- like regular staircase banisters -- is meant to protect people from falling off the loft. Banisters typically are made of thick wood columns with a rail at the top. The banister goes from the bottom of the stairs all the way up to the loft and usually extends along the edge of the loft. In addition to keeping people safe, the banister's rail also gives people something to hold onto as they go upstairs; this is especially helpful for older people.

    Major Dangers

    • While banisters are important to stair safety, they're in no way foolproof. Banister rails are sometimes wide enough that babies and small children -- as well as little pets -- can slip between the rails and fall to the floor, if they are not properly supervised. Another danger is that kids and animals can get their heads stuck between wider railings. Additionally, if a banister is not high enough, there is a danger that a person could fall over the rail if he loses his balance. Finally, look out for a wobbling rail or pillar.

    Babyproofing Your Bannister

    • You have options when it comes to preventing banister disasters. To prevent kids and animals from falling through or getting caught in the railing, you can install mesh, a clear plastic guard or fencing along the banister rails along the stairs and at the top of the loft. Another idea is to install a gate at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the loft that keeps kids away from the stairs. Another idea would be to pull out the existing banister and replace it with a banister with narrower rails designed with child safety in mind.

    Other Safety Tips

    • Take every opportunity to educate your child about stair-rail safety. Children should be warned about the danger of falling and told not to play near the banister rail. If your child is going to spend significant time in the loft, it is imperative that you place something against the entire railing to keep him safe. Keep toys away from the stairs and the railing in the loft. Check your screws regularly to make sure your banister is secure. Don't ever let your child slide down the banister.