Home Garden

Termite Barrier Application Method

Barrier applications for termites prevent the pests from entering your home around the perimeter. This type of application is time-consuming for a homeowner and requires special tools; therefore, hiring a professional is a viable option for many. Non-repellent termiticides are typically more proficient in destroying termites than repellent brands, according to the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Termites are more active in warm months, so arrange for an inspection for termites during this time.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden sprayer (5 gallons or up to 100 gallons)
  • Trenching tool or pickax
  • Shovel
  • Hammer drill
  • Drill bit ( 1/2 by 18 inches)
  • Concrete patch filler
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      Rent a 100-gallon sprayer if you can locate one. Otherwise, a 5-gallon garden sprayer works, although it requires more time to refill it with the liquid termiticide.

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      Dig a trench directly around the perimeter of your home. Make the trench both 6 inches wide and deep. Do this with a trenching tool or pickax.

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      Add the termiticide to the sprayer according to the directions on the label.

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      Spray 4 gallons of the termiticide into the trench. An effective treatment requires 4 gallons for every 10 feet.

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      Replace the soil back into the trench while it is filled with the termiticide. Do this with a shovel. If the ground absorbs the product before you can do this, spray additional termiticide on the soil once you replace it. This provides protection in all the soil around the perimeter.

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      Drill holes into concrete slabs around garages, patios or a porch area with a hammer drill and the drill bit. Make the holes about 10 feet apart and approximately 4 inches from the foundation.

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      Fill the holes with 4 gallons of termiticide for every 10 feet. Use a funnel to do this or a direct stream from the sprayer.

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      Patch the drill holes with a concrete patch filler. Follow the directions on the label to apply it.