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What Precautions Are Taken in Case of a Tornado?

Although tornadoes can technically touch down anywhere, states in the Midwest are particularly prone to twisters. Aside from paying attention to natural and televised tornado warnings, you should prepare your home ahead of time for this natural disaster. Taking precautions can help you get through a tornado as well as help you survive in the ensuing aftermath. Making the whole family aware of and familiar with the precautions you are taking is an effective way to keep everyone as safe as possible.
  1. Disaster Kit

    • Compile a disaster supply kit that can be grabbed if you need to leave quickly. The kit should include things such as a first aid kit, a flashlight, extra car keys, copies of identification, cash and any prescription medications that would be necessary if stores were closed down. A battery-operated radio is also needed in case of power outages.

    72-Hour Supplies

    • You should assemble enough food for each family member to last at least three days as well as three gallons of water per person. Remember to include any other eating related necessities such as plates, cups or can openers. Add an updated change of clothing for each family member and be specific about any other needs for individuals. For instance, babies would need extra diapers and wipes or a contact lens wearer will need saline. Don't forget hygiene items such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer. All of this should be placed together so it can be picked up in a hurry if needed.

    Tornado Drills

    • Make sure your family is updated on the tornado drills for your home and conduct them periodically. Particularly make sure that children know where to go in the event of a tornado. Check with the schools and daycare centers your family attends to make sure they have a tornado drill process in place and that it meets safety standards.

    Be Familiar

    • Familiarize yourself with the signs of tornado weather. For instance, a dark, greenish sky, large hail and roaring wind are often precursors to tornadoes. Knowing the signs may alert you before an official tornado warning is able to.

    Prepare Your Home

    • If time permits, take a moment to prepare your home to minimize damage. Close all the windows and shutters where applicable. Bring inside any loose items in the yard such as lawn furniture or toys. Drive your car into the garage and shut the door.