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Signs & Symptoms of Roof Collapse

A collapsing roof is very dangerous and often causes loss of life. As a result, it is vital to inspect your home regularly and be aware of any structural damage that might lead to possible roof failure. Extreme weather is a common cause of roof collapse. Evacuate the home as soon as signs of a possible collapse start appearing.
  1. Sagging Support Structures

    • The support structures of a building can withstand only so much weight. If the steel or wood structures are damaged or are supporting more weight than they are meant to handle, the supports start to buckle. This is common during heavy snow buildup that forces the roof to cave in as it gets heavier. Evacuate the building if you notice the support structures sagging or hear loud creaking or cracking caused by the supports straining against their weight load. The weight on the roof needs to be reduced immediately and the supports likely need replacement afterwards because they have been permanently compromised.

    Door Frames Warping

    • Door frame warping also indicates a lot of pressure on the roof or ceiling that is transferring down into the frames. The frames may visibly warp or they'll force the door itself to pop open. Multiple doors suddenly opening because of frame warping is a strong indication that the roof is in danger of collapsing. The top floor of the building is where this phenomena occurs when the roof is buckling and there may not be much time to evacuate once you notice the problem. Exit immediately and notify the local authorities as soon as possible.

    Sprinkler Heads Pushing Downward

    • Another sign of roof collapse is evident if your building has sprinkler heads. The heads are often concealed inside a housing in the ceiling so they are not overly noticeable when not in use. If the sprinkler heads start to push down and out of their housings, it indicates tremendous pressure from above and risk of roof collapse. If the roof is repaired without collapsing, the sprinkler heads likely need attention as well because the pressure and the warping often prevent the sprinklers from deploying and working properly in the event of a fire.

    Severe Leaking

    • Heavy leaking is another indication of a roof collapse. Excess water helps weaken support structures as it permeates them and also destroys drywall. Heavy wind and rain often contribute to roof collapse, and if that rain water starts pouring into the building, the roof is already giving out and could collapse at any time. Exit the building as soon as possible. The weight of the collapsing roof crushes anything caught underneath it.