Home Garden

Tips on Leaving Your House for a Long Period of Time

When you head out for an extended vacation, a long business trip or to care for a sick family member, you need to take the necessary measures to protect your home. In 2010, there were 2,923,430 home burglaries in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Justice website. Home security, utility costs and preventing damage to your home while you're gone should be part of your trip planning considerations.
  1. Energy Conservation

    • A common tactic people use when leaving their homes for an extended period of time is to turn down their air conditioning or furnace to conserve energy. Don't allow your furnace to drop below 59 degrees, to prevent your pipes from freezing. If you turn down your air conditioning without taking any other steps, then your freezer and refrigerator will work harder to compensate for the heat. If you're heading out for a long trip, empty your refrigerator and freezer, defrost your freezer and unplug them both. If you need to keep items in your refrigerator or freezer, then turn up the thermostat in the unit so it doesn't attempt to stay as cold. Then you can turn down the air conditioner to conserve energy.

    Illusion of Occupancy

    • Give a house key to someone you trust and have her pick up your mail and newspaper to prevent them from piling up outside. The appearance of someone going in and out of your home will make potential criminals think someone is home, and the lack of mail and newspapers piling up on the front door will enhance the illusion of occupancy. Turn off your telephone ringers and turn your answering machine down to avoid the constant sound of a phone not being answered. Use timers on your lights to turn lights in the house on and off at various times to make it look like someone is moving from room to room.

    Exterior Security

    • Ask your neighbor to park in your driveway on occasion to make it look like cars are coming and going from your house. Contract with a landscaping company to cut your lawn and keep your landscaping trim to prevent the look of being overgrown and unattended. Prior to leaving, be certain to lock all doors that lead to the outside. Don't leave an extra key anywhere near a door where it can be found by a criminal.


    • Plumbing issues can arise at any time and can cause a significant amount of damage. Before leaving on your trip, turn off the main water valve in your home and drain your toilets. This will prevent leaks and frozen pipes. Turn off your water heater and drain it to conserve energy and prevent leaks while you're gone.