Home Garden

Can I Cover an Intake Vent?

Intake vents are essential to keeping the air in the home or apartment breathable and safe, as well as cool and warm, depending on the season. While it is considered safe to cover a few vents around the house, as it can be inconvenient to furnishing and decorating the home to avoid all of them, there are reasons you shouldn’t cover all of the vents in the home over a long period of time.
  1. Ventilation System Purposes

    • Having a ventilation system in the home helps reduce the buildup of heat as well as moisture. When moisture builds up, it can create mold or bacterial growths as well as ice. Ventilation systems also help prolong the life of building materials, keeping them from sustaining the burden of too much heat or moisture. Vents also improve the efficiency of HVAC systems in the home, helping the owner or renter save money over time.

    Covering Vents

    • It is OK to cover some vents in the home, as they won't damage the object that is covering them. Homeowners or renters should avoid having their dwellings get over-humidified, meaning a relative humidity of 55 percent or more, which can occur if too many vents are covered and new air isn't cycled out through an intake vent. If you plan on covering vents, try to space them out across the home. While it will decrease the air circulation efficiency, it will ensure that no one part of the house gets too stuffy, leading to over-humidification.

    Black Mold

    • In places where relative humidity reaches 55 percent or more, the chances of black mold growing increase significantly. Black mold can act as a toxin, causing allergic reactions which can result in asthma attacks that can turn deadly. It will often grow in hidden locations where moisture collects.

    Vent Covers

    • Some people choose to cover their vents for aesthetic purposes. One way to improve the look of a vent's placement in a room is to attach a stylish vent cover. A variety of designs are available, from grills to intricate art deco covers, which can actually complement other pieces of furniture and improve the look of a given space.