Home Garden

Ideas to Lower Traffic Noise in Your House

Traffic noise is one of the most common complaints in American households. It is not only annoying, but can affect your ability to work or sleep, which can lead to health problems. There are certain things you can do to help limit the impact of traffic noise on yourself and your family.


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      Construct a barrier wall. A properly constructed barrier wall can help reduce the amount of traffic noise that enters your house. Use a solid material, like concrete, and avoid any openings, as noise can easily travel through. Make sure the barrier is high and thick enough to actually block noise out. Most barrier walls are at least 8 feet tall and work more effectively when placed closest to the source of the noise.

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      Plant a tree or shrub barrier. Though less effective than a concrete barrier, a thick hedgerow can be less obtrusive and can help dissipate traffic noise. Plant barriers need to be high, thick and dense enough in order to effectively block out noise. For best results, use thick shrubbery and plant tightly.

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      Insulate windows. Soundproof windows can help reduce noise levels up to 75 percent. Chose windows with a window isolation quality or sound transmission class of 22 to 25 or dual pane windows for best results. If this option is too pricey, add a window insert to your existing window to help reduce the noise level in your home.

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      Use rugs and mats to absorb some of the noise that enters your house. The more things you have in your house, the more noise will be absorbed. You can also try sound absorbing pads, which are placed underneath your carpets and rugs.