Home Garden

DIY Steel Security Gate Designs

Steel security gates serve to protect your home and property from vandals and intruders. Steel gates are fireproof and durable, making them more secure than other types of barriers, such as decorative wooden gates. You can play a part in designing your own steel security gate by selecting elements you want in a gate and considering the gate location and installation methods.
  1. Location

    • The location of a steel security gate is a central element in its design. Large driveway gates may be placed near the road, or closer to your home. A steel security gate that encloses your yard may be placed at any point along the sidewalk or property line, giving you more options. A central location will help your home and landscaping appear more symmetrical and balanced. Whatever the case, select a location that is accessible for your family and guests. Consider matters of privacy before installing a gate with narrow, widely spaced steel bars at a spot where passers-by can see into your yard or home.

    Design Elements

    • The actual design of your steel security gate can begin as a series of sketches that you make to consider various styles and types of steel gates. Some gates swing or slide to one side, while others include two sections that swing open independently and come together when they close. Steel gates can feature clean vertical bars or more ornate steel designs, which complement nearby plants and the surrounding landscape. You can scan a photograph of your home or take a digital photo and impose various gate designs or sketches over it with photo editing software to get a feel for the finished product.

    Prefabricated vs. Custom

    • You must decide whether to buy a prefabricated gate or order a custom-made one. Custom gates cost more, but manufacturers will supply a wide range of design options. If your driveway or sidewalk has unusual dimensions, a custom gate will fit it perfectly without odd-looking overlaps. To save money, you may be able to purchase a simple, standard gate and weld a decorative steel element across the face.


    • Landscaping around a steel security gate gives it a finished look and incorporates it into your property. Planning for landscaping should be part of the design process from the beginning. Steel security gates can hang from wooden, masonry or metal posts, depending on their weight. Consider whether you need to install new gate posts, or if you want to add plants that obscure the solid portion of a fence and provide an opening for the gate. If you select the gate first, use its design as a guide for your plantings. For example, some steel security gates feature ivy or floral patterns that you can match with nearby plants.