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High Ammonia Levels in Tap Water From Septic

Small amounts of ammonia in a drinking water supply may be a normal component in water purification. High levels of ammonia from a leaking septic system poses a significant health risk for people who may consume water from the contaminated source. Unsafe ammonia levels also inhibit existing water purification measures increasing potential health problems.
  1. Leaking Septic System

    • High levels of ammonia in drinking water indicate fecal pollution from a leaking septic system. According to the World Health Organization, fecal matter from a compromised septic tank can leak into ground water, resulting in taste and odor problems in homes drawing drinking water from this source. According to the Virginia Tech Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, homes using private underground wells for drinking water are most susceptible to ammonia contamination from leaking septic systems.

    Compromised Water Disinfection

    • Ammonia leaking into a drinking water supply can compromise chlorine present in the water as a disinfectant. According to the World Health Organization, drinking water containing more than 0.2 mg of ammonia per liter can cause up to 68 percent of chlorine to react with the ammonia. This reduces the chlorine's ability to remove harmful bacteria and pathogens from the drinking water supply. Consuming contaminated drinking water presents a serious risk of infection. In this circumstance, boiling water is the only means to kill harmful bacteria making the water relatively safe for drinking.

    Problems with Manganese Filters

    • Water sources that use manganese filtration systems may experience problems when encountering high levels of ammonia from a broken septic system. Manganese filtration systems depend on oxygen for removing contaminants from water. Ammonia consumes oxygen, leaving a diminished amount for water filtration. This results in moldy-looking water that tastes like dirt. Apart from appearance and taste issues, the water may also contain unsafe levels of bacteria and harmful pathogens.

    Ammonia Toxicity Levels

    • Exposure to high levels of ammonia in drinking water can result in chemical burns to the throat, mouth and stomach. Ammonia can also surround contaminated drinking water as a gas, which irritates the nose, lungs and throat. Inhaling high levels of ammonia can cause respiratory failure. These effects can occur instantly upon exposure. Never consume water with a pungent or earthy odor. Contact the controlling water utility company and a septic tank service company. Do not consume water from contaminated sources until the utility company can solve the problem.