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How to Fence with a Chinese Stick

Fencing is a sword fighting art that relies on a thin blade with a sharp point called the rapier. The rapier is lightweight and able to strike quickly with stabbing or whipping motions to the face or vital organs. Learning fencing requires dedication and care to prevent injury. One way of accomplishing this is using practice weapons during the learning process. Chinese kung fu relies on an assortment of weapons in its training and one is the stick. A Chinese stick is usually heavier than a rapier but allows you to practice basic fencing techniques with less risk of injury.

Things You'll Need

  • Protective fencing gear
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      Use a stick at least 3 feet long to best approximate a rapier. A thinner stick is useful because it handles similar to a rapier blade.

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      Wear protective gear and a face mask. Chinese stick weapons do not usually have a point but still cause impact damage when connecting with fingers, face, throat or sternum. Protect these areas with traditional fencing gear to reduce risk of injury.

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      Stand sideways with the stick in your front hand and your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent. The rapier is a one-handed weapon so do not grasp it two hands, since this forms bad fencing habits. Practice moving forward, back and sideways while keeping your stick up in front of your face as a guard. A heavier stick helps develop the arm muscles so you will be faster with a lighter rapier. Your back arm stays out of the way and helps act as a counterbalance to your stick as you move.

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      Step forward on your front foot as you bend your front knee and poke the end of the stick forward. This is a lunge, one of the most basic moves in fencing. A quick lunge is vital is scoring points and victories in fencing matches.

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      Block incoming strikes with the side of the stick. Have a partner lunge at you with his own stick so you can step back or to the side while diverting his strike with the side of your stick. This is a parry — the most common defense maneuver in fencing. The more adept you are in fencing defense, the more opportunities you will have to counterstrike with your own stick.

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      Practice moving, lunging and defending with a partner with both of you using sticks. Upgrade to rapiers once you are both experienced and have supervision to help prevent injury.