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Steps to Raise a Sunchaser Awning

Anyone who spends time living out of a travel trailer soon appreciates the extra living space that an attached patio awning can provide. Sunchaser awnings are affordable and very simple to put up and take down – one person can do it – yet they feature handy extras such as automatic fabric tension tightening. You can raise the awning partially while still attached to the trailer, or detach the arms, set them in the ground and use it “carport” style.
  1. Unlock & Pull Out Awning

    • Release the rafters that will flank and support the open awning. Pinch the lock midway up each support arm that keeps the rafters “nested.” Reach up with the metal pull rod to hook and then flip down the lock lever, located at the top of the arm assembly next to the rolled awning. Attach the pull rod to the pull-strap loop, then pull the vinyl awning out as far as it will go.

    Attach the Rafters

    • Swing each rafter out from the trailer toward the end of the awning roller tube. Hook each rafter “claw” onto the torsion rod inside the relevant roller end cap. For awnings equipped with Short Universal Hardware, first you’ll need to pull on the rafter claw to pull out two telescoped inner channels “until the spring button pops in the hole on the upper surface of the middle channel,” as the user guide puts it. On each side, stretch the fabric tight, then tighten the tension knob. Slide the pull strap over to the right side of the roller tube and secure it around the arm.

    Set Up the Awning

    • Hold the awning arm and pull the lift handle up to release the position. Lift the awning up to the desired height and then lift the handle again, letting the lock button engage the nearest hole in the arm. Repeat this process on the other side. If you want to place the awning in the carport position – with both support arms vertical in the ground – release the lever on each bottom-mounting bracket and pull the arm away from the trailer. Be very careful when lifting, to avoid back injury. Secure the arm in the desired place with stakes, then raise it to the necessary height. Repeat on the other side.

    Place Awning for Rain

    • If heavy rain is expected, lower and roll up your Sunchaser awning, locking it in the storage position. Allowing water to pool on the awning may damage the awning and threaten your family’s safety. In light rain, you can leave the awning up. For awnings designed with the automatic water dump feature, lower both arms by seven to eight holes. For awnings without this feature, place it in the rain-shedding position by lowering only the arm farthest away from the trailer door.