Home Garden

The Uses of a Door Phone Intercom

Door intercoms are used for more than avoiding exes who "just happen" to be in the neighborhood, or shielding you from persistent salesmen who don't get the hint. Intercoms also give the user a sense of privacy, enabling you to screen visitors in the same way caller-ID technology allows you to screen your calls. For those who dwell on high floors, door intercoms also help conserve valuable time and energy that might be wasted going back and forth to let visitors inside.
  1. Safety

    • Door intercoms are used in residential dwellings and business establishments to create a sense of security for tenants. They allow people inside to find out who's outside without having to physically open the door. In cases of potential robberies, violent domestic partners, solicitors and other undesirable visitors, door intercoms permit residents and workers to screen their callers and safely determine beforehand whether to allow or deny access and entry.


    • Door intercoms are also used for deliveries. They allow companies to announce the type and quantity of goods being delivered without requiring tenants first open the door. In some cases, residents or workers might ask that goods be set up in a convenient location outside the establishment; in this way, outside business can be conducted from the comfort and security of the home or office.


    • Door intercoms are used for the convenience they provide. They allow people indoors to conduct conversations with people outdoors, for both business and personal purposes. They allow people at home to find out who's at the door even if they're undressed or indisposed; they allow business owners to multitask and/or screen clientele. Most door intercoms have a button on the unit that provides keyless entry, enabling tenants to let visitors in without having to physically open the door. Some models of door intercoms can be wired to your telephone or television monitor, permitting you to see who you're talking to, and/or answer the door in the same manner you answer the phone.

    Internal Uses

    • Door intercoms are not only used to communicate between the indoor and outdoor world; they are also used for internal communication throughout homes and businesses. Parents might use door intercoms to wake their children without being physically present in their rooms, or call them to breakfast without leaving the kitchen. Employers can answer questions posed by their employees or make company-wide announcements. Schools also use door intercoms for announcements and timely alerts.