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Is it Normal to Smell Propane When You're Close to a Furnace?

When winter temperatures make the mercury plummet, cranking up the furnace provides defense against the cold. However, furnaces that run on propane are not without risk, and the smell of propane gas may signal a dangerous leak. Always proceed with caution if confronted with the odor of propane, and don't hesitate to seek emergency help.
  1. The Smell of Propane

    • In its natural state, propane is an odorless gas, but a substance is added to propane to give it an odor and make it detectable. However, the additive isn't pleasant and smells similar to the spray of a skunk, rotting eggs or a deceased animal, according to My ProGas. Keep this scent in mind, though, as an unpleasant smell from around the furnace could signify a gas leak, as opposed to something harmless, like a dead mouse.

    Other Signs of a Leak

    • In the event of a gas leak, there may be other warning signs into addition to the foul scent of propane. If no other cause for the smell is readily apparent, like an animal carcass, propane is likely responsible. Leaking gas from a furnace or tank may also cause a hissing sound as it escapes, so listen well. If you hear hissing, but there is no smell, there may still be a leak, as the odor-causing additive in propane can fade over time.

    What to Do

    • If you suspect your furnace is leaking gas, there are ways to minimize the risk of harm. First, extinguish any flames in the area, like that of a candle or cigarette, and don't turn on any appliances; that action can emit sparks. Turn off the furnace and any other gas-powered appliances, and open windows to allow fresh air to circulate. If possible, switch off the gas tap at the meter and then call emergency services for assistance.

    Carbon Monoxide Detection

    • A propane leak may also be accompanied by carbon monoxide. This odorless, colorless and tasteless gas causes symptoms like those of the flu, including dizziness, nausea and headache. Exposure to enough carbon monoxide may also result in death, so be aware of the warning signs and seek emergency help if you or someone else begins to exhibit them. Install a carbon monoxide detector, which will sound an alarm in the event of a leak.