Home Garden

DIY Storm Closet

During tornadoes, hurricanes and heavy thunderstorms, it may not be safe to stay in the main portion of your house. If you don't want to evacuate, the next best thing is to create a storm closet or safe room in your home. This enclosed area contains all the emergency supplies you may need for the time you're shut inside. You don't have to stay in a storm closet for the duration of the storm, but when the weather is at its worst, retreat to your storm closet to keep yourself and your family free from harm.

Things You'll Need

  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Folding chairs
  • Plastic bin
  • Flashlights
  • Battery-operated lamp
  • Battery-operated radio
  • Books
  • Handheld games
  • Bottled water
  • Food
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      Search your house to find the best choice of shelter for your storm closet. You need an interior space with no windows and only one door. Look for a walk-in closet, a large pantry or an interior bathroom. Choose an area in the basement or on the first floor with a solid door.

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      Make the storm closet as comfortable as possible. You may be inside for several hours and won't want to sit on a bare floor for that length of time. Stock blankets, pillows and folding chairs that store in their own fabric sleeves. Choose items that fold away conveniently until they're needed.

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      Place a large plastic bin on the floor of the chosen area and designate it for storm supplies only. When the storm hits, you'll know exactly where you have stored everything you need to ride out the worst of the weather.

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      Fill the bin with necessities for the storm. Stock a battery-operated radio or television, flashlights and spare batteries in their packages. Add books and handheld games to help pass the time and relieve stress, along with a deck of cards. Put some bottled water and packaged snacks in the bin, in case you are in the storm closet for more than an hour or two.

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      Look for specialized necessities for your family members when stocking the storm closet. If you have small children, remember a pacifier, diapers, formula powder and bottles and favorite toys. If anyone is on medication, stock one or two doses of each pill in a special container and mark it clearly. Add ibuprofen or aspirin if anyone is likely to develop a stress headache.