Home Garden

Temporary Move Checklist

A temporary move can be the result of a short-term job assignment, major home repair, educational opportunity or as a seasonal change of climate. While you may only be gone for a short time, there are issues that need to be addressed to ensure the safety and security of your home while you're away. Details such as lighting timers, cancelling paper delivery, forwarding mail, reprogramming the thermostat and arranging for lawn maintenance gives the appearance of an occupied dwelling and helps maintain the home until your return.
  1. Communications

    • Turn off telephone ringers, and program the answering machine to pick up after a few rings. An unanswered phone can tell crooks the home is unoccupied. If possible, forward your home number to a cell phone or temporary landline. Forward mail or ask that it be held at the post office until your return.


    • Ensure services such as pool cleaning, lawn maintenance and outside pest control continue during your absence. Housecleaning services should continue as they can provide a regular status check of the home and keep things fresh for your return. Newspaper delivery should be cancelled or suspended until your return.


    • Turn off water supply valves for sinks, toilets, the dishwasher and clothes washer. These lines are subjected to constant water pressure and can flood your home if they burst. Thermostats for heating and cooling systems should be adjusted to levels that suit an empty space. Do not turn cooling systems off, as exposure to heat and excessive humidity could result in damage. Turn off the water heater.


    • Advise your home-security monitoring company about your plans. Set your alarm before leaving, and ask that the house cleaners reset it upon departure. Timers can control lights in your home and give the appearance that someone is home. Be sure to close blinds or curtains to prevent criminals from seeing inside. Unplug the automatic garage door opener and secure the door with a padlock, if possible. If any vehicle will be left behind, park it inside the garage and lock the doors.

    Financial and Insurance

    • Since you won't be permanently changing the address on checking, savings and other financial accounts, be sure to inform each institution of your plans. A sudden flurry of out-of-town activity on your account may trigger fraud protection or a freeze of your account. Check with your auto insurance provider to ensure you have proper coverage if you are living in another state or country.


    • Clear out the refrigerator and freezer, clean and unplug them. Be sure to dispose of or pack up all food in the pantry or cabinets.


    • Tell your doctor about your relocation and ask about calling in prescription refills to a pharmacy near your temporary home. If you are moving to a different state, this may not be possible. Make a packet that includes insurance details, medical history and emergency contact information. Until you make friends in the your new location, you may need to rely on the help of strangers in an emergency. Advise neighbors of your plans so they can monitor suspicious activity at your home.