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American Safety Floor Coating

The American Safety Floor Coating System was developed for the military more than 40 years ago. It first was used by the Navy on the decks of battleships and aircraft carriers to prevent personnel from slipping and falling on the wet decks. The American Safety Floor Coating is so tough it can endure the repeated "controlled crashes" of F-14 Tomcat fighters and their 1800-degree exhaust plumes. It will withstand any abuse you could subject it to on your garage floor or concrete patio.
  1. Sand Paint Versus American Safety Floor Coating

    • The problem with a sand-in-paint antislip finish is that it does not stand up well when used in high-traffic areas. Sand in paint finishes cannot endure the impact of caustic chemicals and have an overall life expectancy of six to nine months. The American Safety Floor Coating, on the other hand, is engineered to withstand the impact of caustic chemicals, stand up under heavy traffic, and last five to six times longer than sand-in-paint finishes. The American Safety Floor Coating System is no more expensive to apply than the sand-in-paint finishes at $2 to $3 per square foot.

    Acid Etching

    • Before applying the PS-100 WB primer to new (fully cured) or aged concrete, clean the surface with an acid etching solution. Make sure the surface is free of all oil or grease before applying the acid wash, because the acid does not properly react with the concrete in the presence of oil or grease. Use a chemical degreaser to remove the oil and grease deposits. The acid etching solution can be applied with a stiff-bristle brush, then washed off with a pressure washer. Be sure to wear rubber boots, protective clothing and eye protection when working with the acid etching solution.

    PS-100 WB Primer

    • The American Safety Floor Coating System can be applied to new (fully cured) concrete floors, aged concrete floors, previously painted concrete floors and wood floors. No matter what type of floor you are applying the finish too, the application process begins with rolling on a coat of the PS-100 primer. The primer is a two-part epoxy you mix together and roll on the floor using a short-nap roller. The top coat can be applied after the primer has set for a minimum of six hours at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

    Finish Coat

    • The finish coat of American Safety Floor Coating is applied just as any floor paint is applied, with a medium-nap roller. Unlike latex paint, which dries in a few hours, the American Safety Floor Coating requires 12 hours between coats and a final 24 hours to dry completely after the final coat before exposing the surface to heavy traffic.