Home Garden

How to Plan an Emergency Escape From a Home

The thought of a fire is so disturbing to many people that they prefer not to think about it at all. In the case of a house fire, what you don’t know truly can hurt you. Odds are that your home will remain safe, but in the event of an unforeseen tragedy, your family needs to be prepared for the worst. Here are some helpful suggestions on how to prepare your family for an emergency exit of your home. With just a little advance discussion and a few drills, you can ensure that you and your kids know what to do and where to go in the event of a fire emergency.

Things You'll Need

  • Map of your home
  • Stopwatch
  • Fireproof ladder
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    • 1

      Have a family meeting to discuss at least two ways that each person might get out of their room and the home if a fire emergency were to occur. Draw a map of your house, and use it as a visual guide at your meeting. Have each person outline a personal route to escape from a fire on the map.

    • 2

      Discuss with your family a safe place at least one block from your home where you could meet in the event of a home evacuation. Make sure that everyone knows exactly where to report and how to get there.

    • 3

      If your home has more than one floor, keep a ladder upstairs. It should be fireproof and thoroughly tested to withstand heat and pressure. Practice climbing the ladder, and have each member of the family practice climbing the ladder. If you have small children, practice holding them as you climb. Be sure to pad the surface below, in case you should fall.

    • 4

      Perform a mock drill, and use a stopwatch to time your family’s successful escape from the home. Get kids interested in improving their time by making a contest out of the drill. When you feel that everyone is confident in the escape, hold an unexpected drill in the middle of the night or at daybreak. This will give you a better idea of how your family would react in the case of a true emergency and could help you improve the odds of knowing what to do and how to do it fast.