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How to Be Prepared for a Disaster

A disaster, whether its a natural disaster or a man made one because of war or riots is something nobody wants to experience. But the possibility that you may go thru one should have you preparing for a just in case scenario. Some of the basics all human life needs is food, water and shelter. But that can be hard to come by during disasters, so being prepared is the best bet you will have a hands up on surviving. The following list may vary depending on your environment and reason for having to survive. If its a local natural disaster and you will be having a rescue team looking for you then you may not need to have a hunting weapon, or material to start a garden but if you are in survival mode due to war or large scale natural disasters that throw society out of wack then you may want to bunker in for the long haul. At the very least you will want at least 1 months worth of back stock.

Things You'll Need

  • At least 1 months worth:
  • Non-Perishable food
  • Bottled water
  • Form of water purification
  • Fire source
  • Can opener
  • First Aid Kit
  • Climate appropriate clothing
  • Hiking shoes\boots
  • Flashlight\Candles
  • Batteries
  • Blankets\sleeping bag
  • Back pack
  • Tarp\Poncho
  • Prescription's\Vitamins
  • Sewing kit
  • Hygiene
  • Knife
  • Watch
  • Compass
  • Map's
  • Hand cranked radio
  • Plastic bags\ziplock bags
  • Form of self defense
  • Training\information
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      A Plan. Everyone in your family or group should know what to do if a disaster strikes. They need to know where the supplies are and how to use them. Also have a plan on what to do if a disaster strikes and not everyone is at home.

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      Food. You will want canned and non-perishable food. Anything that does not require cooking or water to make is best. Remember to stock up on a can opener or two! Having a cooking pan or two is nice but you could survive without one.

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      Water. Stock up on bottled water. You may want to invest in a portable water filter or tabs for purifying water after you run out of your back stock. Boiling water is an option but it requires fire and is not 100%. Your also going to want a means of transporting your water. Canteens or a camelback are great options.

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      Clothing. This depends what your environment is. If you're from an area of sub-zero temps and long winters you will want clothes that insulate. Be sure to keep your head, hands and feet well insulated in cold climates and seasons! If you're from a hotter region you will want lighter clothing. Short sleeves are not always a better option however. Light material that covers your body will prevent sunburn. Hats with a all around brim and sunglasses as well. For wet weather in all climates you will want at least a poncho if not all out wet weather clothes and gear.

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      Shoes. You will want well built waterproof hiking boots that are already broken in. It would be very painful to be walking for miles in a new pair of hiking boots when you know what hits the fan! Be sure and get a pair that fit your climate. There are winter boots for hard winters and summer versions to help keep your feet from sweating in the summers. Be sure and stock up on socks too!

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      Fire. Fire is needed for cooking, warmth, light and morale. While you do want a flashlight and a stock of batteries, these will eventually be used up. Having lighters and water proof matches along with lighter fluid is nice to have and I highly recommend having a stock of them too, but again if you're going to be surviving for a really long time they too will run out. Taking a class on how to build fires after your resources have been diminished is a great idea. Knowledge will always be your number one resource.

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      First Aid\Hygiene. A basic first aid kit that you can pick up at any store will be helpful. To include or add to your kit will be a month's worth of any prescription pills you are taking. A multi vitamin will also be a good idea since you will not be getting the same nutrients as before. For Hygiene you will want toilet paper, soap or hand sanitizer and a toothbrush. You could survive without these but they will help to keep you clean and healthy. A class on first aid and survival would be a good idea. Again Knowledge!

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      Weapons. This would include a knife or Swiss army knife which is great for all sorts of unforeseen needs. Possibly a gun for self defense or for hunting would be a great tool. Again this depends on your survival situation but since you don't normally get a choice of why you're in survival mode I would suggest at least a weapon for hunting. This could include a well made bow and arrow. Always have a back stock of ammo and take a class on how to use your weapon of choice safely. A class on setting traps could be a good idea for when you run out of ammo.

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      Other: Plastic bags\zip lock bags to keep items dry. Blankets or sleeping bags. A well built hiking backpack in case you must leave your area. Maps of the local surrounding areas. A watch and compass. Sometimes you can get a watch\compass combo but make sure the compass really works. A hand cranked radio. An AM\FM battery operated radio for updated information. Having gardening tools and seeds can be a life saver if your surviving for a really long time. Be sure to keep fresh seeds (no more than a year old) and to take a class on basic gardening.