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How to Teach Child Home Safety

Home safety is something you should start teaching you children early. Most elementary schools teach your children the basics, like the stop-drop-and-roll maneuver and to never play with fire. It's just a starting point. Your job is to teach your children what to do at home in the event of an emergency, like a fire, natural disaster or severe injury. You should also purchase home safety kits. These kits can provide things you'll need, such as survival gear, first aid supplies and fire evacuation gear.

Things You'll Need

  • Survival kit First aid kit Fire kit Paper Pen
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      Create an emergency phone list. A copy of this list should be posted beside each phone in your house. 9-1-1 should be the first listed because it is easier for younger children to remember.

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      Create a fire evacuation plan. This should be a map that includes main exits denoted each in one color, but also backup exits denoted by a different color. Practice the fire evacuation plan with your child regularly.

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      Teach your child how to use the items in the fire kit. The fire kit, depending on which type you buy, can include window emergency ladders. You should make sure that your children know how to use them. You should also teach your children about crawling on the floor to stay below the smoke.

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      Teach your child how to use the items in the first aid kit. Larger kits can include items like smelling salts and ice packs. Your child should know that he can tell a 9-1-1 operator that he has access to the kit.

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      Empty the contents of your survival kit. Explain to your child what each item is used for. While you're discussing this, you should be talking about what to do in the event of a tornado or hurricane and you accidentally get separated. Explain that the safest place, when there is no access to a basement, is a hall closet or bathtub with a mattress over top of him.