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How to Be Prepared in Case of a Tornado

Tornadoes are one of nature's most destructive disasters and can occur at any time. They cannot be controlled and can leave fatal results when they strike. It is important to know tornado safety and to always be prepared in case one springs up.

Things You'll Need

  • First-aid kit
  • Battery-powered flashlight
  • Radio
  • Batteries
  • Bottled water
  • Heavy blankets
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      Determine the best location to wait out a tornado warning. Use the basement or storm cellar, if you have one. If not, choose the lowest-level interior room that does not have windows. Note if the room has heavy furniture you can get under.

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      Create a tornado-supply kit to include a first-aid kit, battery-powered flashlight, extra batteries, a radio and bottled water. Also set heavy blankets with the kit to cover up with to deflect debris. Keep the kit in an easy-to-access location so you can grab it when you're taking cover.

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      Know what indicates a potential tornado. If the sky begins to darken and turn green, clouds begin to form high, and the temperature drastically changes, you may have a tornado in the making. Hail and a whistling freight train sound are also indicators. Seek shelter immediately!

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      Listen for your town's tornado alarm. This will sound if a tornado has been spotted nearby.

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      Keep your television and battery-powered radio handy to listen for updates and warnings.

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      Do not open your windows. Despite popular belief, this can cause more damage.

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      Find shelter within a nearby sturdy building with a foundation if you live in a mobile home.

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      Get into a sturdy building or a low-lying ditch if you are in your car.

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      Have a small bag and any important documents at the ready in case you have to move to a shelter.

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      Ensure your cell phone is fully charged when there's a forecast for bad weather. You can call for help or check on loved ones after a tornado passes, even if you have no power.