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Fire Safety Activities for Kids

Fire safety activities prepare children for emergency situations. Using a variety of interactive fire safety activities will make the learning process more fun and effective for kids. Having the chance to practice safety procedures will make the kids more likely to stay calm and remember them in an actual emergency.
  1. Fire Station Tour or Guest Speakers

    • A fire station tour allows kids to meet the fire fighters that respond to emergency situations. They can explore the equipment and learn how it is used. Meeting the fire fighters in a non emergency situation may ease any fears of the kids. The fire fighters at the fire station can offer additional fire safety advice to the kids. If a tour of a fire station is not possible, invite local fire fighters to speak to the kids. They may bring some of their equipment or a fire truck to visit the group.

    Home Escape Route

    • A large part of fire safety is being prepared in case of a fire. All kids should be aware of a home escape route for fires. Explain to the kids that they need two different routes out of their rooms in case one is blocked by fire. Use grid paper to draw a model of the home. Identify each room in the house, as well as windows and doors. Assist the kids in identifying their escape routes. Draw a line to indicate each route.

      Another element to the home escape route is identifying a meeting spot. This is a task that kids should complete with their parents. Once the escape route and meeting spots are identified, families should practice the plan.

    Stop, Drop & Roll

    • Give kids the chance to practice the stop, drop and roll technique. Attach felt or paper flames to each child's back. Have her stop, drop and roll to put out the flames. The chance to actually practice these steps may help a child who needs to employ the technique in an emergency situation.

    Practice Crawling Under Smoke

    • Give kids the opportunity to practice crawling underneath the smoke. Hang sheets about two feet above the floor. The sheets represent the smoke. Have the children practice crawling underneath the sheets as they would do if the room was full of smoke. Another option is to create a model hallway by placing a row of chairs on either side. Tie strings between the chairs to represent the smoke, and have the kids crawl through. Explain the importance of staying low in a fire to avoid the smoke.

    Fire Safety Posters

    • After learning about fire safety concepts, have the kids create fire safety posters. Give each child a large piece of poster board or sturdy paper. The kids can draw pictures, cut pictures from magazines or use construction paper to cut out poster elements. Share the fire safety posters with each other. If younger kids are available, have the kids share their posters with them. They will have the chance to share their fire safety knowledge with others while reviewing the information for themselves.