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Fire Evacuation Instructions

When a fire breaks out, there may be very little time to determine what you should or should not do. Knowing ahead of time what to do when fire breaks out can be essential to making it out alive. Fire and evacuation drills are performed so that people know where to go. It is also necessary to know how to properly leave a building in a case of emergency.


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      Understand where you are going when leaving. Learn ahead of time the most direct route to stairways and exits. Because a route can be blocked by smoke or fire, you should know at least two ways to exit a building.

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      Check all doors before opening them. Lightly touch the door with your fingers to see if it is hot. Also observe the bottom, sides and top of the door to see if there is smoke present. If there is smoke or the door is hot, do not open it. However, if the door is not hot and there is no smoke, then touch the door knob, as the metal will conduct heat much more easily. If it is cool, then open the door slowly and proceed.

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      Move through a house or other structure that is on fire by crouching low to the floor. Stay low as you move through the building as there will typically be less smoke and potentially dangerous fumes located near the floor.

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      Exit the home or building as soon as possible. If the opportunity to escape from a building presents itself, take it. A clear doorway or exterior window are good options to get yourself out of a burning structure and should be taken. However, when using windows, make sure there is not a long drop that could cause injury.

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      Place towels, sheets and other material around a door to seal off smoke if you are trapped in a room and cannot get out. Wet the material if possible, as this will help seal out the smoke. Pack the towels and sheets around all edges of the doorway to keep smoke from entering the room, and wait for help.