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How to Create a Fire Evacuation Plan

Not all fires can be prevented and therefore it is imperative for families and businesses to have a fire evacuation plan. The same steps can be used for a business or other area that may need to be evacuated in the event of a fire. Evacuation plans for fires differ from other disasters as fire can be fast moving and unpredictable.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper and pens
  • Drawing or sketch of building
  • List of contacts and phone numbers
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      Prepare a list of emergency contacts for each family member to contact in the event of a fire. Include names, addresses and phone numbers that each person should contact after an evacuation. Make sure everyone knows to contact these people in the event of a fire and to go to the primary chosen location if your family becomes separated.

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      Draw a diagram of the property and make sure that all exits are marked clearly. Exits can be doors, garages and windows.

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      Have a family meeting to discuss the location of the exits. Make sure everyone can list and find every one of the exits. Also, remind everyone where the meeting place is and which contact they are to get in touch with should people become separated.

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      Practice evacuating the building using the different exit points. For example, run a fire drill where you pretend there is a fire on the first floor which would make exiting through the front door impossible. Repeat the drill with the fire being in various areas of the building. Fire drills should be practiced at least once per month to ensure that everyone remembers what to do if a fire breaks out.

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      Compile a list of all topics discussed so that the information for review purposes. A copy of the evacuation plan should be kept with all other important documents in a safe yet accessible area. Reevaluate and update your plan for changes such as the structure of the property, building additions and new family members.