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How to Survive a Nuclear Power Plant Attack

With 104 nuclear power plants throughout the country, as of 2010, a nuclear power plant attack is among the greatest concerns for future terrorist activity. Since 2001, security has been increased so that plants are protected by several security barriers and trained staff. In the event of an attack, a blast might destroy the immediate surroundings of a plant, but the main concern for damage is the potential for nuclear fallout, residual radiation that could rain down on surrounding areas for weeks following an attack. Advance preparation for a nuclear power plant attack will greatly increase your chances for survival.


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      Educate yourself about the nuclear power plants and potential threats in your area. Ask the plant's public relations department what types of radiation could affect you and the amount of time that radiation would be a problem after an attack.

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      Move at least 50 miles from any nuclear power plant, particularly if the plant is near a major metropolitan area that would be an ideal target for terrorists.

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      Build an underground nuclear fallout shelter with a 2- to 3-foot barrier on all sides so that you can live there for a few weeks in the event of a nuclear attack. Steel shelters don't need to be as thick because they provide superior radiation protection than less expensive concrete or brick.

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      Dig out a small area underground so your body can be covered and protected. This is not as ideal as a shelter prepared in advance, but any protection is better than nothing.

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      Seek shelter indoors and away from windows if a fallout shelter or digging are not options for you.

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      Stock up on survival supplies, such as non-perishable food items, water, batteries, blankets and first aid supplies.

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      Drink only water that was stored before the attack so you don't drink contaminated ground water. To the same effect, only eat food that you can guarantee had no contact with radiation particles.

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      Watch or listen to the news to gather information about the threat level in your area so you know what is going on around you and when it is safe to exit your shelter.