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Hurricane Safety Precautions

When a hurricane strikes, there are many hazards that tag along for the ride: heavy rains, flooding, winds, storm surges and sometimes tornadoes. Hurricanes also serve an important purpose for the planet, moving heat from tropical areas to cooler zones. But because of the destructive nature of tropical storms, scientists monitor their movement using satellites. Even so, storms remain difficult to predict. The best you can do is take sensible safety precautions. If you live in an area with a reputation for hurricanes, you will need to be well prepared.
  1. Escape Routes

    • Get to know the area in which you live. Become familiar with even the long routes to and from your home and prepare an exit plan should a hurricane warning be issued. Remember, if you live near the shoreline in a beach house, you should be extra cautious. Once a hurricane warning has been given, evacuate.


    • Visit your local shelters and become familiar with their rules and regulations. If you have pets, ask shelter managers about their animal policies. If they do not allow pets, you will have to make alternative arrangements for them should a hurricane warning be given.

    Home Safety

    • Check to see what the building codes are for your area and ensure that your home meets all standards. Install storm shutters on your windows. Ensure that you have materials such as plywood stored in your garage. Once a hurricane advisory has been issued, use the shutters and plywood to batten down windows and doors. You must also secure large objects outside such as garbage cans and lawn furniture. If you have a garage, leave space so you can quickly get these items safely under cover.


    • Ensure that your vehicle always has a full tank of gas, or fill extra tanks and store them properly. If the electrical power is knocked out, you want to be sure that you have sufficient fuel in your car or truck to leave the area. Gas pumps will not work without power.

    Key Items

    • Always keep an emergency supply of necessary prescription drugs and a large supply of water and nonperishable foods. Don't forget to pack a manual can opener. Prepare a survival kit that includes plenty of batteries, flashlights, a first-aid kit and a radio.