Home Garden

How to Use Fire Ladders

Escape devices such as fire ladders are easy to use by virtue of necessity. They are designed to be used quickly by children and adults in the event of an emergency. Practice using a fire ladder so that if the need arises, it can be used quickly and safely to escape a burning building or another emergency situation. Fire ladders can typically be stored in a closet or underneath a bed due to their small size.


    • 1

      Open a window in the second floor or higher of the home. If there is a screen in place, remove or punch through the screen to clear the way for the ladder. Check to be certain that there are no ground-floor windows under the fire ladder which have been broken and are engulfed in flames. If that is the case, use another window.

    • 2

      Hook the mounts of the fire ladder over the window's framework so that they hold tightly in place. Flip the rolled-up fire ladder out of the window with the mounts still attached to the window trim.

    • 3

      Crawl out of the window feet first, finding the first rung of the fire ladder with your feet before descending. When you have a solid grip on the ladder, begin to descend at your own pace and comfort level. When you have reached the ground, move away from the home and call 911 from a remote location such as a neighbor's house.