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How to Get a Sidewalk on Our Road

Sidewalks provide pedestrians with a safe pathway in which to walk, especially when adjacent to a busy street or intersection. Most towns have traffic and safety departments that conduct pedestrian and automobile traffic assessments to determine if and when sidewalks are built. Some towns have a process in which sidewalks are built, giving certain areas a prioritization score. There are times, however, when there is an urgent need for a sidewalk on a road. And there are ways for a private citizen to shorten a sidewalk construction timeline or re-prioritize a much-needed sidewalk to ensure a quicker sidewalk build.


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      Call your local traffic and transportation division for your town or county. You can locate the number by using an Internet search engine and plugging in your town or county followed by "transportation department," "traffic department" or "department of public works."

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      Tell the traffic department of your road's need for a sidewalk. It's helpful to cite any near accidents, accidents or issues that resulted because there was no sidewalk in place.

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      Locate a petition form on your town's traffic department website or draft a petition yourself. The petition should include the following fields: name, address, printed name, phone number and date, along with the reasons for the petition. Determine how many signatures you will need to make the petition valid, along with the process of validation.

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      Talk to your neighbors and encourage each neighbor to sign the petition and complete all fields in their entirety. Make sure each petition field is legible. Ensure you have enough signatures to make your petition valid.

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      Submit the petitions to your town or county's department of public works. The town or county will typically validate signatures on the petition.

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      Attend the public hearing to address the sidewalk proposal, typically announced on the state or county's website. Public hearing notices may also be posted in and around the area of the proposed sidewalk. Make sure you attend the public hearing along with your neighbors to provide input on the need and urgency of the sidewalk.

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      Engage your city council member(s) and mayor for added support. Typically they will need to vote on the initiative or any related ordinances.