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How to Access a Hatch & Ladder

Hatches and ladders can serve many uses in both public buildings and homes -- as emergency escape systems, quick and unobtrusive access to an attic, or as an access point to the roof of a building. Since hatches and ladders are generally for the convenience of the people inside the building, they generally must be accessed from the inside in addition to having an exterior approach. To access a hatch and ladder, you must locate the hatch, know how to open it and, if necessary, extend the ladder.


    • 1

      Locate the roof hatch in a large building by traveling to the highest accessible floor. Look towards the ceiling for the roof hatch, there may also by signs pointing towards it. Many hatches open directly to the roof, so you may have to climb a fixed metal ladder to access the hatch. Once you are up, turn the bolt that secures the hatch and push it open.

    • 2

      Locate the fire escape hatch and ladder in a building by looking for the fire escape maps placed around the hallways. The hatch will often consist of a window, so open the window to get out onto the fire escape balcony. Pull the release handle near the ladder downward to extend the ladder to the ground.

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      Access an attic hatch and ladder by going to the top floor of the house. Look for a rectangular section of ceiling that is cut out and includes a small handle. Pull on the handle to access the hatch. Ladders for this type of hatch are generally extending wood or metal ladders, which need to be pulled on to release.