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How to Sell Extension Cords for Scrap Metal

Modern extension cords are made out of pure copper, which is commonly used for wiring applications and electronics of all types. Easily reusable, copper of any sort can be recycled at virtually all scrap yards, and depending upon the grade and condition, you will be paid a fair market price, per pound, of all the copper scrap that you bring in. To achieve the highest price per pound, a little preparation is needed when scrapping extension cords; but the time spent is well worth the cost.

Things You'll Need

  • Extension cords
  • Wire strippers
  • 3 buckets
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    • 1

      The copper in the extension cords are worth the money for scrap, while the outside plastic coating is worthless. Turning in coated extension cords will reduce the scrap price by two-thirds, so for the highest scrap price, you will need to strip the wire bare.

    • 2

      Use your wire stripper and remove the plastic coating on the copper wire. Place the stripped wire in one bucket, and use another to hold the stripped coating.

    • 3

      Burned copper wire is not as valuable and will need to be separated from the shiny non-burned wire. When burned wire is found, put it in another bucket.

    • 4

      Take your copper into any scrap yard. They will weigh it and pay fair market price.