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What to Expect at a Termite Inspection

A termite inspection by a qualified contractor is the best way to investigate possible infestations and potential problems. You can, and should expect, a thorough top-to-bottom look at your property by the inspector.
  1. Initial Termite Inspection Steps

    • A competent termite inspector will want to discuss any evidence that the resident of the property has discovered. The inspector will interview the resident about areas of the property in question for a full understanding of any signs of infestation.

    Interior Termite Inspection

    • The inspector will use a flashlight, and possibly a small wood-probing tool, to look for infestation evidence. This will cover all rooms of the interior of the property, including closets, cabinets, water heater enclosures, and any accessible plumbing.

    Exterior Termite Inspection

    • The inspector will then move to the exterior of the property to look at the foundation, walls, and eaves as well as any accessible plumbing. They may remove electrical breaker box covers to inspect, and may also move items away from the foundation and walls to inspect.

    Other Areas

    • The inspector will need to look at all sub-areas, basements, cellars, and attics of the property. The person will need a cleared area around the access door to go into a raised foundation crawl space, and will also need access to all attic entry points.

    After the Termite Inspection

    • The entire inspection will take between 45 minutes to an hour or more. The inspector will give the resident (or owner) of the property a verbal report of their findings and recommendations. They are also required to issue a written report that is filed with the state structural pest control board.