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Mold Inspection Protocol

Mold inspection protocol is a detailed document indicating an exact plan of how to perform mold inspection, testing and removal in a particular real estate property.
  1. Inspection

    • Inspection involves a careful and thorough investigation of where the mold resides in a property and deciding the safest and most efficient manner in removing it.


    • Isolating the area and containing the mold is very important, as it prevents the mold from spreading to other areas of the property.

    Killing the Mold

    • Killing every spec of mold after containing it to a certain area can be performed by using tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract or vinegar.


    • Remove the dead mold, making sure that no left over mold is remaining in the infected area.


    • After the mold is removed, careful precautionary steps should be taken to prevent new mold from growing. A humidifier is a viable option.