Home Garden

How to Price a Pressure Washing Service

Pressure washing (also known as water blasting) uses a high-speed stream of water to clean large hard surfaces. The pressure washing machines use either hot water or cold water. With some machines, detergent can be added for a deeper cleaning. Pressure washing cleans the exterior of buildings, sidewalks, roofs, runways and driveways. Although for small jobs a person can rent a pressure washer from a local home improvement center, for larger jobs it is recommended that you use a professional pressure washing service. Many local pressure washing companies vary in the types of cleaning they do so it is no surprise that the prices would differ. But there are a few ways to price a pressure washing service.


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      Call a few pressure washing companies that you see advertised. Describe the type of cleaning job you have, and ask for a quote. Alternatively, have a company send someone to visit your home. According to the Pressure Washing Business Network, “In most cases you will need to actually see the job to give a truly accurate estimate.”

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      Ask the company representative what is included in the price. The Pressure Washing Business Network suggests that a company give you details like “"for the basic house wash we charge X per square foot, so a house your size is going to cost X.”

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      Contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for information about the company. In many cases you can do your research via an automated phone system or by using an online form. Remove any company from your list that has an unsatisfying rating from the BBB.

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      Compare prices of the companies still on your list. The Pressure Washing Business Network states that general price guideline are 8 to 18 cents per square foot for houses, driveways and sidewalk are 8 to 15 cents, and roof cleaning ranges anywhere from 10 cents to 90 cents per square foot, depending on the material.

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      Schedule an appointment with the pressure washing service you choose.