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How Hot Is a Cutting Torch?

A cutting torch is a tool used by a welder or builder to cut through metal during construction, plumbing or other projects. Torches are also used by jewelers in creation of metal products. These torches are fueled by a combination of gases, enabling them to reach extremely high temperatures.
  1. Propane/Air Torches

    • Propane torches, which use a mixture of propane and air, reach around 1,900°C (3,550 °F). These are usually used to cut and weld softer metals, such as copper.

    Propane/Oxygen Torches

    • Some cutting and jewelers' torches use a mixture of propane and pure oxygen. The flames burn hotter at about 2,200 °C (3,990 °F). Propane and oxygen mixes are best used when temperatures in the work area are low.

    Acetylene/Oxygen Torches

    • For the most difficult cutting jobs, welders often use the two-tank mixture of acetylene and oxygen. The flames burn at about 3,300 °C (5,970 °F), according to DeRose.net. At these temperatures, the flame can cut through iron and steel.